Center for Cardiometabolic Science

...where cardiovascular mysteries are solved.

Microscopy and Pathology

Contact: Ning Chen, MD
Nikon A1R-HD Confocal/Multiphoton Microscope  This is a turn-key, confocal, multiphoton system that includes a high-speed resonant scanner with a large field-of-view and high-resolution scanning options for live cell or intravital imaging. It also has a traditional Galvano scanner for high spatial resolution needs. The system is mounted on a FN1 upright microscope body with a motorized XYZ platform and a high-speed piezo z drive system for fast z-stack acquisitions and is equipped with 4 visible laser lines (405, 488, 561, 640 nm) and GaAsP detector system, and a Coherent Discovery dual beam IR laser. The system currently has 7 objectives. The system has a high-end image acquisition workstation with NIS-Elements software as well as an additional workstation dedicated for offline image analysis.

Nikon A1 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope  The confocal imaging laboratory houses a state-of-the-art Nikon A1 laser scanning confocal microscope (photo, right). This system is mounted on a customized, inverted, fully electronic, TE-2000E2 microscope body. This system offers unparalleled spatial resolution in the x, y, and z planes. There are four excitation lines of 405, 488, 561, and 640nm, which are driven by four (4), independent solid-state lasers (superior stability and longevity) mounted on an acousto-optic tuning filter (AOTF)-integrated laser launch.

Automated Fluorescence Microscope  The Center recently acquired a state-of-the-art, all-in-one, fluorescence microscope BZ-X810 (Keyence). This microscope offers the imaging capabilities of a traditional fluorescence microscope with additional capacities for image stitching and z-stacking, optical sectioning, and automated time-lapse imaging.

Bruker JPK NanoWizard 4 XP BioScience Atomic Force Microscope  This system reflects the state-of-the-art capabilities for interrogating tissue mechanics. The system has scanning rates up to 150 lines/sec and up to 100 µm scan range. This system is suitable for living cells/tissue and fresh tissue. The system can also perform automatic overlay with transmitted light images and fluorescence microscopy images. In addition, this AFM scan head can quickly be moved to other diascopic, confocal, or epifluorescent systems. Although this system is configured with a dedicated Zeiss microscope, the Bruker AFM scanhead could be redeployed to the Nikon A1 confocal or Nikon A1R multi-photon confocal system, as needed.
Full Pathology Suite  The Center has a complete Sakura pathology suite (automated processor, embedder, microtome, and cryostat). This, like all self-service elements in the Center, can be scheduled via the electronic scheduling system (see bottom of page).